Women Psychology: Growing to be a beautiful sane in this world :) (Vivian Amelia)

Hello, we meet again!
Today we will be talking bout women.

     As we borned and live in this world, we will not stay too far from the word "grow" and "mature" or anything else you describe. As long as it makes us still exist and alive in this amazing world.
Well, women who are reading this article, please take a note in the quotes below. :)

    "To all girls that think you're ugly because you are not a size 0,
You are the beautiful one, it's society who's ugly." (Marilyn Monroe)

That was the quote that Marilyn made, she, definitely is one of the most beautiful women.

What has made us beautiful not always connected to our body image or physical-related images.
What really had made us a beautiful women, is what we've learned in the process of growing more mature and mature.
The development of women is truly such an amazing and beautiful things that God ever created.
If there was no women, there is no each of us could ever lived and no such evolution-things will exist, no human being records and history like nowadays.

So if you are a woman, please, take a note to yourself, you are beautiful and you are the whole world-living history maker!
You shouldn't let people step on you, must have a lot of confidentiality for exist as a woman.

     But to be a real woman, there are many things you should fulfill and overcome.
Find a real identity of woman in your heart. Well, not every woman is a woman although they are physically so. Well, you understand what I mean right?

     In order to be a beautiful woman, we must protect, love and being confident of ourselves!
First thing is, you must really know how to love yourself before others could love you.

Well, like me. I sometimes could feel guilty of something I have or have not do to myself.
 You got it, right girls?
 No, never do something you will be regretting of someday.
And never do things that you don't know what for.
Have some commitment and purpose in this life, women!

     Take charge of your life, and start living the days!
No, not for the days that you didn't know the reason why you've went through.

Baby, take a look at yourself, there is always a reason why God had created you.

I know, not everything we wish for in this life will came true.
Do you know why it happens so?
Because sometimes, we didn't really know what's the best.
So don't be afraid and have no doubts,
Just let it flow, and doing the best.
We will learn from everything that we choose.
There's no ever such a bad life and bad paths.
But there is always hope. And love.

     Have faith in you, women.

4 September 2013

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