I’m Black, I’m White, and I’m Asian. Who am I? (Danny Kojima)

The title is a little riddle for you before we begin our discussion. While all of you think about the answer, please watch this commercial first.
Okay, have you noticed something from the commercial? Yes it’s about Panda, and the answer is Panda. It’s White, Black, also Asian because from China. But then, what is the connection between Panda with what we will discuss today? ?
Panda is the only animal that resembles our races. We’re majorly divided into White people, Black people, and Asian. Even we have so many differences, we still can fall in love with each other from the different race. This often called as interracial.
I’ll not talk about cultures in here. Because maybe you’d say that, “Black people and White people marry with each other so they can acknowledge each other cultures.” But in here, I want to talk about their children, the children from those who having the interracial marriage.

The country that usually have many interracial marriage is from America, so we will look over there. When we saw black people married with white people, sometimes their children will not be gray, but somehow brown. They have brown skin, which white people want, and have a long nose which make them prettier. They we’re called Latinos.
It seems like there are so many race in this world, but, where is their origin? How can there are so many race in this world, and also how about Indian? They we’re called the Red Skin. Why is that so, is it really that they have a red skin??
The fact about Indian is, they got interracial marriage with those who are white people. And because of that, they look like vanished from the surface of the earth. It is because their off-springs are not Indian anymore, they already got mix up with the white people. So the natives of American, is really gone and that’s why America called as the migration country.
So that is the downside of the Interracial Marriage. While the bright side is it looked like they can pass the boundaries between the races. So Interracial Marriage is like two-edged sword. It’s good in the society because it looks like the couple can get over their differences, but it’s also bad because it can ruin the races and even make other race vanished.
Now what about the origin of the races? Well, let’s look back to the time where the human kind started. It maybe very contrast with those who believe the evolution, and I will refer to the Holy Bible.
When is the mankind began to spread around the world? It’s when the Great Flood already finish and Noah with his sons, Shem, Ham, and Ja’phet. From here, the races start to spread. (Gen 10: 32). Now, from Shem, Ham, and Ja’phet, the races also began to be known.
From research over research about races, found that Ja’phet is the father for all from Europe, Shem the father for all from Asia, and Ham is the father for all from Arabian and African. (Watchtower Library, 2012, Asal Usul Bangsa-Bangsa, it-1 329).
It’s only short, but remember that, we were once before, and races in our world is a beautiful thing that is created. So don’t ever try to genocide the races in the world because of your own selfishness. And please consider if you want to have an Interracial Marriage, will it extinguished a race or not. It maybe create a new race, but our old beautiful race will be gone like the Indians.

So, be sure to yourself, and don’t do any racism because we’re all one before.

At this Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him."
Acts 10: 34,35
26 September 2013

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