Sexuality Now: Issues about Contraceptions (Vivian Amelia)

Well, tanggal 26 September yang lalu adalah Hari Kontrasepsi sedunia.
Dan Indonesia mengukir prestasi yang membanggakan.
Dr. Bambang Prajogo dari Universitas Erlangga,
Has found the first oral contraception for men.
It is called the Gandarusa pills.
The research to Gandarusa pills has begin in the 1985.
So 23 years to make these pills.
And US has decided to buy the license for 5 billions US dollars.

     Contraception we knew commonly, like condoms. It is free to buy at any department store, or mini markets. But contarceptions have so many kinds.
Maybe in Indonesia, we the young people, didn't noticed that contraceotions are not just some pills and condoms.
It also had NuvaRing that inserted to vagina every 3 weeks.
Had hormonal patches, that stick in our body.
And so many kinds of Spermicides, in cream, foam, suppository, and others.
Wow, nowadays human being had found so many ways to contraceptions.

     Contraceptions is important or not?
And is it wise that it can be bought freely in some market stores?
These 2 questions are so sensitive and culture-connected issues.

     Because we are living in here, Indonesia. Contraceptions is not a free subject to be talked about.
It sounds private, and sometimes is a embarassment.
But it so important, you have to had some knowledges about it.
One thing you must aware is, contraceptions are there to prevent pregnancies.
Not a door-way open widely for free sex.

     About all kinds of contraceptions, except condoms, they cannot prevent prevent us from having STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases).
The chance is so high if you engaged into free sex life to have STDs.
And once you are infected, it is no chance to fully recovered.

     But we can't denied, free sex is there in every country.
And to have a contraception that sells wide and openly actually helped people to avoid STDs.
So, if you disagree bout selling contraceptions widely, pls consider the disadvantages for this country.

 There will be an increasing number of STDs.

     So many pros and contras.
But I thought it will be so important that the governments too have to courage their people education about sex. In Indonesia, topic about sex is still taboo.
And parents thought that children can not know much about that, it is not a proper age for children to know about sex.
That is so wrong. That thinking, causes children to have high curiosity about sex.
And so in their teen ages, they will search for information or want to experience it themselves.
Parents, should taught their children about sex education at young ages.
It is the best at middle school, like 8 or 9s.
Not to teach them about having sex, but all things about sex.
At what time it is proper to do and do not, at what conditions a sexual intercourse will occurs.
How it is occurs, and all about it.
There are so many educations videos nowadays in youtube, discovery channel about sex.
If your children have understood it, they will not ashamed to talk about anything to you.
And because they know everything so well,
 they will not have too much intentions of interested to do all of it.

     Communications again.
Hahaha... That's why God created voices.
Voices to make communications and interactions.
To connect people in simplest and easiest ways.

2 Oktober 2013

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